Sunday, June 28, 2009

Night Watch

I drank too much last night. Seems to be the theme, of my life, sometimes, drinking too much, eating too much, spending to much. There was a line in some Dickens novel, something like, "if a man earns thirty pounds a year, and spends thirty-one he is poor."

I agree. But I am not so much broke as I am impulsive. Why not another pasta dinner? Why not another shot? You only live once is perhaps the most moronic phrase ever uttered, an excuse to ruin everything for a second, a minute, and hour, of bliss.

I did not drink to much, actually. Only a couple of beers, but it was one more than the girl I was drinking with had. Friday I did drink too much. Maybe five shots of vodka and rum, and more maybe, because the bartender likes me. On the way back to my room, I knocked down boxes in he hall, nearly waking, I am sure, my very nice neighbor who is studying to be a doctor. Or maybe he was out later than I was.

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