Friday, June 19, 2009

Anansi Boys

I have a confession to make. My original intention yesterday was to read Plato's The Republic, write a blog post, and thus spend today with my smugness wrapped around me like a blanket. Obviously, my day did not go as planned.

Which is not to say yesterday was a truly bad day, it was just not one of my favorite days. I had decided that I needed to begin work on several papers, and that, in order to start my papers, I needed to visit the public library. Unfortunately, I had forgotten about the horde of student strikers marching down the city's main streets. The Aforementioned Streets, of course, border the library.

My feet are not good. Not in a "stealing lipgloss from department stores" way, but in a way that makes long walks, and runs, on particular days, and on certain surfaces, very unpleasant. Due to the strikers, My Very Flay Feet were forced to walk the mile and a half from the library to the student center, instead of sensibly taking the bus. On this particular day, walking on concrete for an extended period of time proved to be very unpleasant.

The library, though it didn't know it yet, made up for the later foot pain. I found quite a few Terry Pratchett novels I had never read, several books pertaining to one of my papers, and Anansi Boys, by Neil Gaiman.

The book that I couldn't resist, and, right after I got home, started to read.

Thoughts: Neil Gaiman is brilliant. The novel, thank God, had a fairly unpredictable and comprehensible plot. The characters, as I have come to expect from him, are well-developed.

What do I want from future books? Not what I got from Anansi Boys. I am the epitome of the escapist; to be honest (as I most often am here), I shouldn't read books that allow me to feel like the status quo of my life is okay. And here I am, sitting at the computer, and staring, and remembering, and feeling dread bubbles pop in my stomach, because nothing is changing and nothing will change unless I change it. Sometimes, most times, I want to grab my life by the throat and shake, and shake, and shake.

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